Cleopatria Peterson

  • Sitting at a table at a cabin surrounded by fellow cartoonists just passing a piece of paper around. :)

  • Nature, trees, hands, and hair. I like getting into the detail of things and texture.

  • Absolutely, you learn something new from everyone you meet and work with. Being able to collaborate be it artistically or through education is always such a great experience because art can often be such a solo practice. I really value learning from others.

  • Giant bottle of milk tea, one rilakkuma plush, a bone folder

  • If you're in Toronto you can see my little art show: Bestie Mart on at Open Studio from March 3rd to April 15th. :)


Colouring by @cleopatriia
Sections by @082km @cleopatriia @AndaPanda

Colouring by @cleopatriia
Sections by @cleopatriia @miriah @weiwei